
1. Abstract

2. Introduction

3.Contemporary English Haiku Examples and Issues

4. Historical Evolution, In Brief

5. Modes of Emulation

6.The Metrics of Japanese Haiku

      a. Of Moras and Syllables

      b. A Foot-based Template

      c. Variations in the base template rhythm

      d. Hachou (Broken Rhythm)

      e. Pauses and Syncopation

7. In Search of the Japanese Template: Some Experimental Observations

      a. Pilot Test 1: Metronome-timed Readings of Classical Japanese Haiku with a 5-12 Structure

      b. Overall Lengths

      c. Relative Lengths of Portions of the Haiku to the Whole

      d. Positioning of the beats

      e. Pilot Test 2: Metronome-timed Readings of Classical Japanese Haiku with a Non-5-12 Structure

8.Implications for English Haiku

      a. Introduction

      b. Critique of Higginson's Description of a Traditional Form for Japanese Haiku

      c. Critique of Higginson's Description of "A Traditional Form" for English Haiku

      !d. A Metrical Approach to English Haiku Based on the Japanese Template: A Musical Analogy

9. Conclusion

10. Acknowledgements

11. References

12. Notes
